Favorite Websites
AMPAS - Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, store, museum, and more.
Apple - Still the largest company?
B&H Photo - Huge selection of all the best filmmaking gear.
The Business - Podcast about the film business
CineD - Excellent audio video gear reviews
Deadline - More Hollywood trade talk.
DGA - Directors Guild of America
DOCNYC - Lots of news and annual NYC Doc Film Fest
Doculink - Online forum for documentaries.
D-Word - Documentary community
Eoin O'Connor - Wonderful Irish artist
Facebook - Connect, promote, lurk...
FC - Filmmakers Collaborative, fiscal sponsorship, events, blog...
FCP Cafe - Everything about Final Cut Pro
Filmweek - Podcast reviews new films.
Good Docs - Educational film distribution
Hollywood Reporter - Trade paper
Hotdocs - The largest doc film fest in North America
IDA - International Documentary Association, in transition
IMDB is the free Internet Movie Data Base of films and filmmakers. Also a paid version.
JustWatch Where to watch all your films and documentaries
Kino-Eye - Documentary resources
Letterboxd Share and view reviews of all films.
Los Angeles Times - The local newspaper
New York Times - The paper of record
Nonfics - Now a substack
RealScreen - Doc and reality publication and Summit
Redshark - Hi Tech production, post, and more
ReelGood - All your streaming services in one place
Riverside.fm - The video platform we record Westdoc on.
Variety - Hollywood trade paper
Video Consortium - Supporting nonfiction filmmakers
Vimeo - Slightly better video experience.
Washington Post - Democracy dies in darkness
YouTube - Second largest search site.