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Lisa Callif, attorney at Donaldson + Callif

Jonathan Chinn, Exec Producer, Lightbox, LA '92

Steve Kozak, AMCUP

Jason Teichman, CEO of Pond5

Feb 6, 2018

58 Minutes

Episode 5 is all about licensing clips for your documentary film project. We have a great expert panel starting with Lisa Callif who works with several attorneys including Michael Donaldson who literally wrote the book on Fair Use and intellectual property rights. If you have any project you want to sell to television or any major distribution, you will be required before release to have E&O (errors and omissions) insurance. And in order to get that you have to have an expert attorney in that area sign off on your film. This is what Donaldson and Callif do every day. Jason Teichman is the CEO of Pond5 and tells us about the inside workings of their stock footage organization that has much more than just footage. It amazed me when he said they upload about 10,000 new video clips every day! Steve Kozak is a clearance expert who worked on the Tonight Show for ten years and now is on the Jimmy Kimmel show. He started and is the head of AMCUP, the Association of Media Content Users & Providers. Jonathan Chinn is the partner with his cousin of Lightbox, a production company with offices in Burbank and London. They produced the Oscar short listed feature doc "LA '92" which is remarkable because the entire film is all from stock footage and there is no announcer telling you what you are watching. It was produced for the National Geographic Channel. 

We continue to solve some tech issues as others pop up. The audio and video on this show was better even though we were live from London, New York, and L.A. But the software running the program crashed causing us to restart and then pull together the two parts of the program. The best place to watch it is on our home page. 



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